Decoration Day at the Dorchester Union Cemetery
Sunday June 16, 2024
Decoration Day is the 3rd Sunday of June which happens to fall on Father’s Day. This aligns with having moved past wet spring weather and into a time when flower beds are being spruced up. The week prior, and the week following is a time when certain privileges are extended to allow families to “decorate” their lots where they otherwise would not be able to.
As example, these exceptions are made in the Flat Marker Sections to allow a marker vase to be raised and/or wreaths on stands or potted plants and other flowers to be left on a lot where they otherwise would not be allowed between April 1st and November 15th. Specific details can be found in the cemetery regulations or by contacting us.
To learn more visit: https://www.thamescentre.on.ca/cemetery
Tammy Butt, Thames Centre Cemetery Coordinator