
Dog Licensing
Licensing your dog could play a critical role in identifying your dog should it become lost or injured.
- All dogs in the municipality must have a valid license ("dog tag") and wear their dog tag
- The municipality issues a dog tag for the lifetime of your dog at no charge (as of January 1, 2022)
- Tags are to be kept each year unless lost or damaged, then it shall be replaced with a fee associated
- Persons who fail to purchase a dog license are eligible to be fined under the Provincial Offenses Act
To apply for a dog tag, complete the Dog License Application or Dangerous Dog License Application and submit it to the municipal office.
Replacement Dog Tag (lost, stolen, worn out) | $10.40 |
Kennel License Fee | $156.00 |
Dangerous Dogs |
$100.00 |
Appeal Hearing for Muzzle Order or Dangerous Dog Designation | $150.00 |
Changes - moving and/or death of a pet
Animal Control
- The Municipality contracts the services of Hillside Kennels Animal Control to provide animal control services.
- Hillside Kennels Animal Control can be contacted at 519-469-3247
- Animal Control By-law 63-2022
The Province of Ontario has established a toll-free number, 1-833-9-ANIMAL (264625) for people to report concerns about animal distress or abuse. This call centre is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
- If you observe a dog running at large, please contact Hillside Kennels at 519-469-3247
- The running at large of dogs is prohibited within the Municipality
- Every owner of a dog within the Municipality shall ensure that the dog is at all times restrained upon a leash and under the effective control of a person, when it is not confined to the dwelling unit or property of its owner of the person having the care or custody (Animal Control Bylaw 63-2022)
Kennel Licensing
- Any resident wishing to operate a dog kennel or boarding facility must obtain a Kennel License
- The property must be properly zoned to accommodate a kennel or boarding facility
- Fee: $156.00 per year
- There are certain zoning requirements and standards for kennels so make sure to contact the Municipal Office before building any type of kennel structure, etc.
Overnight Parking
Overnight parking is not permitted on any Municipal roads between the hours of 2:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. year round, according to By-law 35-2017 and By-law 41-2019
Property Standards
- The Property Standards By-law and Property Standards By-law Amendment sets out the Municipaliy's expectations for lands and buildings within Thames Centre
- Property owners are responsible for ensuring that buildings and properties are being maintained
For Questions Contact:
Keith Arnold
Job Title
By-law Compliance Officer