Stormwater is water that results from precipitation and occurs immediately following rainfall or as a result of snowmelt. Stormwater catchbasins, inlets, pipes and retention ponds act together to manage the flow of stormwater.
Drainage and ditching are related to stormwater, but manage the water and/or infrastructure differently. The Drainage division of the Planning and Development department is responsible for drains, while Transportation and Emergency Services is responsible for ditching.
Drainage, in accordance with the Ontario Drainage Act is to oversee the maintenance and construction of all municipal drains throughout the municipality.
A municipal drain is simply a drainage system that channels water off of agricultural land or removes excess water that collects on properties. Most municipal drains are either open ditches or closed tile systems in the ground. Structures that are considered part of municipal drains are grassed waterways, storm water retention ponds, culverts and bridges. Certain creeks and small rivers are also considered to be municipal drains. Municipal drains are created under the authority of the Drainage Act.
New Drain
Landowners wanting to acquire a drain:
1. Contact Travis Pitt
2. Complete a Petition form
3. All additional steps can be found under Section 4 of the Drainage Act.
Maintenance on Drains
Maintenance on municipal drains are the most common procedure that occur. This work includes clearing of the drain, such as removal of beavers/dams, trees, repairing/replacing tile, silting and cleaning out tiles.
Drain Maintenance Billing Procedures 2013
In the past, when drain maintenance projects were completed all affected landowners were sent an invoice as an outstanding receivable. If the payment was not received, the outstanding assessment was added to the following years taxes for collection.
In an attempt to streamline the process of billing out Municipal Drainage Maintenance projects, Council has approved the following changes:
- Net Assessment under $5.00 are to be written off
- Net Assessment under $500.00 are to be added to that years taxes for collection:
- Net Assessment over $500.00 will continue to be collected as an outstanding receivable, all affected landowners will receive an invoice together with a map showing the location of where the work was undertaken.
The Collection Debenture Policy is as follows:
- Net Assessments under $500.00- no debenture allowed
- Net Assessments of $500.00 to $5,000.00 – max. debenture of 5 yrs.
- Net Assessments $5,000.00 to $10,000.00 – max. debenture of 10 yrs.
- Net Assessments over $10,000.00 – max. debenture of 20 yrs.
Properly Drainage a Pool or Hot Tub
For guidance on properly draining a pool or hot tub in Thames Centre please visit our dedicated Properly Draining a Pool or Hot Tub page!
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