Property Tax Reminder
All Final Tax Bills have been Mailed.
First final tax instalment is due on August 30, 2023
Payments can be made through Telephone/Online Banking (allow 3-5 business days for processing), ATM, at most financial institutions, or by mail. We also offer payment by cash, cheque or debit card at the Municipal Office during regular business hours. Post-dated cheques are accepted. NEW - online Credit Card Payment option. Please visit www.thamescentre.on.ca/taxes .
The Municipal Office is open to receive payments from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. After 4:30 p.m., a payment slot is located to the left of the front door.
Failure to receive a property tax bill does not exempt you from paying on time. If you have not yet received your property tax bill, please call the Municipal Office at 519-268-7334.
please make sure your payment is received at our office by 4:30 p.m. on August 30, 2023
Penalty/interest of 1.25% will be charged on the first day of default and the first day of each month thereafter, per the Municipal Act, 2001 s. 345(2).
would you like to receive your property taxes/water billings electronically?
The Municipality of Thames Centre offers the option of receiving your property tax bills and water bills by email. Please contact the Tax Department for more information at 519-268-7334 or email inquires@thamescentre.on.ca or download the form at www.thamescentre.on.ca/taxes .