Thames Centre Council Endorses Organizational Core Values - Press Release


February 15, 2024

For Immediate Release


THAMES CENTRE - February 15, 2024 – Thames Centre Council is proud to announce its endorsement of the Municipality's Organizational Core Values, representing a pivotal step towards nurturing a shared culture of unity, professionalism, and excellence within the organization. These values, Compassion, Integrity, Continuous Improvement, Inclusivity and Communication, serve as guiding principles for staff, providing a shared sense of purpose and ethics as they work towards fulfilling Council's objectives and delivering exceptional municipal services to residents.

"These Organizational Core Values reflect the essence of Thames Centre's corporate identity and underscore the demonstrated commitment to serving our community with integrity and dedication." - The Municipality of Thames Mayor Sharron McMillan

The development of these Core Values was a collaborative effort, with input gathered from all levels of staff through comprehensive surveys and feedback sessions. This inclusive approach ensured that the values truly resonate with the entire organization, embodying the principles that Thames Centre stands for.

"I am proud of the staff team for coming up with these shared values and so thankful for Council’s endorsement. Ultimately, this will further enhance excellence in municipal service delivery that is focused on residents and tangible results.” - The Municipality of Thames CAO David Barrick

Moving forward, Council's endorsement of these Organizational Core Values will ensure alignment, mutual support, and a unified "Thames Centre One Team" approach among staff. Together, they will work towards achieving short, medium, and long-term objectives as outlined in the Strategic Plan, further enhancing service delivery, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.



Shannon Zylstra, Communications Coordinator

The Municipality of Thames Centre